Choose to have a solo rejuvenation, couple floral therapy, or simply a get-together activity with friends or family with our eco-friendly flower arrangement workshops. Since they are tailored for beginners, participants do not require any prior experience.

Creative, interactive and collaborative — La Petite Fleur workshops provide a unique opportunity for groups to support each other as they put together their individual creations. Each member of your group will create and keep their individual arrangement of long-lasting preserved flowers. This is perfect for any Private Party, Birthday Party, Friends Get-together, Bachelorette Party, Baby shower Party, Teens Party, Senior Party, or Just Coz’ Party.

Available In-person or Zoom meeting
Private event starting from $69 per person, min. 2 ppl

Promotion: For a limited time only, all private event with 4+ participants, you would receive a free DIY greeting card kit for each.